Week Two of My Unreal Engine Challenge: Crafting the Game Description, Levels, and Loop

May 22, 2024 | Challenge, Posts


Continuing with my weekly challenge, this second week was dedicated to developing a comprehensive game description, defining the levels, and establishing the game loop for my project, “The Seven Eternal Truths.” Inspired by the powerful symbolism of the Great Arcana, I began shaping the narrative and structure of the game, integrating the profound themes of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Crafting the Game Description

The core concept of “The Seven Eternal Truths” revolves around exploring the mysteries of life and the universe through the lens of the Great Arcana of the Tarot. Each of the 22 archetypal figures represents a significant life principle or character archetype, guiding the player through their journey of enlightenment.

Game Synopsis

In “The Seven Eternal Truths,” players embark on a quest to uncover hidden truths and gain profound insights. Set in a mystical world where each level is governed by different elemental and spiritual principles, players interact with NPCs inspired by Tarot archetypes, solve intricate puzzles, and overcome various challenges to advance through the game.

Level Design and Structure

The game is divided into seven distinct levels, each associated with a specific day of the week, planet, color, chakra, and set of archetypes. Here’s an overview of the first three levels:

Level 1: Sunday – The Principle of Spirit

  • Planet: Sun
  • Color: Red
  • Chakra: Crown Chakra (Sahastrara)
  • Archetypes: The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess
  • Objective: Introduce players to the game’s basics, setting the tone for self-discovery and spiritual growth. Players navigate a maze illuminated by the sun, guided by NPCs who teach them about inner strength and intuition.

Level 2: Monday – The Principle of Correspondence

  • Planet: Moon
  • Color: Orange
  • Chakra: Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
  • Archetypes: The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant
  • Objective: Players explore themes of balance and harmony, learning to see the connections between their actions and the world around them. The level is set in a serene, moonlit forest where players solve puzzles to unlock deeper insights.

Level 3: Tuesday – The Principle of Vibration

  • Planet: Mars
  • Color: Yellow
  • Chakra: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
  • Archetypes: The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength
  • Objective: This level challenges players to harness their willpower and communicate effectively. Set in a vibrant, bustling city, players navigate through dynamic environments and interact with various NPCs to overcome obstacles.

Developing the Game Loop

The game loop is designed to provide a rich and immersive experience, focusing on exploration, interaction, challenges, and reflection. Here’s a breakdown of the game loop:

  1. Exploration: Players explore their surroundings, discovering new areas, meeting NPCs, and gathering information.
  2. Interaction: Players communicate with NPCs, solve puzzles, and make choices that impact the storyline.
  3. Challenges and Conflicts: Players face various challenges and adversaries, leading to personal growth and new abilities.
  4. Reflection and Reward: After overcoming challenges, players reflect on their experiences, receiving rewards and insights to prepare for the next level.

Bringing Characters to Life

Using Inworld AI, I generated 22 characters based on the Great Arcana descriptions. Focusing on the first three characters for Level 1, I detailed their personalities and roles in the game:

The Fool: A carefree and optimistic figure, encouraging players to embrace new experiences.

Chat with him.

The Magician: A wise and powerful mentor, teaching players to harness their inner strength.

Chat with him.

The High Priestess: A mysterious and serene guide, helping players develop their intuition and inner wisdom.

Chat with her.

Integrating Metahumans

To enhance the realism of these characters, I researched tutorials on using Metahumans as NPCs. Connecting my characters to the Metahuman framework in Unreal Engine allowed me to create highly interactive and lifelike NPCs that players can engage with in the game.


Week two of this challenge was an incredible journey of creativity and discovery. By crafting a detailed game description, defining the levels, and establishing a compelling game loop, I laid a strong foundation for “The Seven Eternal Truths.” With the integration of Metahumans, the characters come to life, providing players with an immersive and engaging experience.